Whisky #14: Johnnie Walker Platinum Label Blended Scotch Whisky

Johnnie Walker Platinum Label Blended Scotch Whisky. Fife, Scotland. ABV: 40.00%. Tasted at The Grosvenor Hotel, $18.
Colour: Deep gold
Nose: Slightly peaty, tobacco notes. Like a cigar, reminded me of a familiar scent, what might it be? Is my nose getting more attuned to different scents? No. Only then did I realise there was a guy two tables away smoking a Montecristo No.3. Clearly I am an idiot. I moved inside away from the cigar, though I still stand by the original slight peaty/tobacco scents. Of the whisky.
Palate: Slightly sweet to start, quickly moves to more spicy flavours. Could have done with a drop or two of water perhaps?
Finish: Definitely not as smooth as others I’ve tried thus far, warms the mouth, has a spicy then smoky aftertaste. A little harsh.
Comments: Not a huge fan, it’s ok but lacks a bit of complexity and smoothness. Had higher expectations, overpriced for what it is in my opinion. Had to try a Johnnie Walker at some stage, thought I’d give the Platinum a go & leave the Blue for another day.