Glenrothes 1969 – The MacPhail’s Collection. Speyside, Scotland. ABV: 43%. Tasted at Whisky Live 2014, $32 (half nip) from the ‘Old & Rare’ bar.
“Like liquified Christmas pudding”. My favourite whisky so far of the Whisky a Day project.
Distilled in 1969 and only bottled in 2008 by Gordon & MacPhail. This had a beautiful dark colour, that’s what most attracted me to this bottle at the ‘Old & Rare’ bar at Whisky Live. Darker than my ex-girlfriend’s heart.
I was expecting a really strong, Christmas cake sort of flavours based on the amazingly complex and sweet nose. Stunning aromas. However I was expecting the flavours to be a little more intense based on the nose. Beautiful, beautiful flavours though, just not as full or intense as the aromas had gently teased. Very smooth to sip, almost syrupy. An excellent finish too, with a fair bit of spice (flavours) but definitely no alcohol heat – perhaps unsurprising it was so velvety having spent so much time maturing in the barrel. A beautiful, smooth, and frankly stunning whisky.
Definitely the best whisky I’ve had so far – not just at Whisky Live but the best I’ve had so far across the Whisky a Day project. And that’s not something I say lightly, as I believe it’s difficult to really get to know a whisky (especially a malt as complex as this one) from only one dram. But this is such a standout in my book, amazing. If I could get my hands on a bottle of this I would, although I shudder to think of the price. It was a privilege to have tried it.
Whisky #78 - The Ultimate Single Malt Scotch Whisky - Mystery Speyside 1966 : Whisky a Day
[…] – not too strong in spice or heat, a very drinkable whisky (to put it mildly!). Much like the Glenrothes 1969 The MacPhail’s Collection, I guess it comes as no surprise that these amazing flavours are going to be extremely complex yet […]
Whisky #132 - 1973 Glenrothes Single Malt : Whisky a Day
[…] So smooth, both upon entry and in the finish. Delightful, though like the 1969 Glenrothes I tried at Whisky Live the flavours were a little softer than expected, although given it spent 27 […]
Whisky a Day - The Year in Review - Whisky a Day
[…] Glenrothes 1969 – The MacPhail’s Collection. The first truly outstanding whisky of the year that really made me sit up and take notice. I can still remember the taste now, it was like liquified Christmas pudding. […]