Glenfiddich Malt Scotch Whisky Liqueur. Speyside, Scotland. ABV: 40.00%.
Tasted at home, $0, courtesy of my cousins Trudi & Marcus.
Colour: Golden viscous honey.
Nose: Surprisingly strong alcohol feints. Some oak and grain aromas.
Palate: Not as sickly sweet as I was expecting, though still some soft syrupy sensations. Amazing alliteration also. Cloves and cinnamon are probably the main flavours, though neither is really jumping out at you.
Finish: There’s definitely some sweetness I was expecting in the finish, along with a hint of cinnamon. Oily, creamy mouthfeel.
Comments: On a spectrum of whisky at one end and liqueur at the other, it definitely (and somewhat surprisingly) leans more towards the whisky side. Overall it’s ok, but it’s not as unique a drop as I was hoping for.